Glow Sports
GlowSports for Hens combines some of your favourite sports in a brand new concept!
We start by turning off the lights. How can you play sports in the dark you ask? That’s where the GlowSports come in. UV lights and fluorescent bibs allow you to dance, dodge and play sport whilst lighting up the room. Sports include Dodgeball, Netball and Volleyball. Bring along your own glow in the dark clothing, we encourage all things Neon to glow even brighter! Face paints are good for glow in the dark war masks but this is one event where wearing black is a no no!
- Event Co-ordinator
- Venue Hire
- UV Lighting
- Fluorescent pitch markings
- Glow Bibs
- Glow Sports Equipment
- Minimum group size of 10, if group drops below 10 price per person increases.
- Available in set locations and venues in the UK
- Sports clothing is advised
Glow Sports - Enquiries
Popular Locations
- Edinburgh
- Nottingham
- Bournemouth
- Blackpool
- Birmingham
- London
- Bath
- Basingstoke
- Dublin
- Chester
- Cardiff
- Cambridge
- Bristol
- Brighton
- High Wycombe
- Exeter
- Plymouth
- Oxford
- Newquay
- Newcastle
- Milton Keynes
- Manchester
- Liverpool
- Torquay
- Swansea
- Southampton
- Sheffield
- Glasgow
- York
- Derby
- Canterbury
- Bradford
- Chelmsford
- Woking
- Billericay
- Brentwood
- Portsmouth
- Maidstone
- Leeds
- Tonbridge
- Royal Tunbridge Wells
- Reading
- Wokingham
- Wolverhampton
- West Bromwich
- Worcester
- Abingdon
- Chiswick
- Aintree
- Altrincham
- Ascot
- Bicester
- Beaconsfield
- Chesterfield
- Christchurch
- Poole
- Dudley
- Braintree
- Fleetwood
- Gateshead
- Lancaster
- Macclesfield
- Maidenhead
- Newport
- Exmouth
- Witney
- Warrington
- Wallingford
- Wembley
- Walsall
- Twickenham
- Southport
- Folkestone
- Rochester
- Rochdale
- Borehamwood
- Ealing
- Edmonton
- Egham
- Epsom
- Harrow
- Hatfield
- Hemel Hempstead
- Ruislip
- Slough
- Wimbledon
- Mansfield
- Preston
- Oldham
- Rotherham
- Rickmansworth
- Watford
- Windsor
- Sunbury on Thames
- Barnes
- Kingston upon Thames
- Stockport
- Hounslow
- Finchley
- Hayes
- Enfield
- Shoreditch
- Wandsworth
- Henley on Thames
- Cheltenham
- Gloucester
- Leicester
- Livingston
- Hamilton
- Falkirk
- Stirling
- Dunfermline
- Aberdeen
- Kirkcaldy
- Motherwell
- Barry
- Belfast
- The New Forest
- St Austell
- Edgware
- Norwich
- Newark on Trent
- Bootle
- Keighley
- Morpeth
- Sevenoaks
- South Shields
- Ashton-under-Lyne
- East Kilbride
- Linlithgow
- Cumbernauld
- Uxbridge
- Brentford
- Richmond
- Amersham
- Chesham
- Westerleigh
- Thornton-Cleveleys
- Hove
- Greenford
- Pudsey
- Saint Austell
- Melbourn
- Formby
- Mitcham
- Burnage
- Bridgend
- Hucknall
- Tallaght
- Ballinascorney
- Began
- Blandford Forum
- Thornicombe
- Blyth
Booking Process
Foot Golf is available in all major towns and cities Nationwide and in Europe. We organise your Foot Golf event from start to finish, offering six days a week customer service to answer any queries you may have, a free on-line group website to easily manage payments and view the details of your event. Once your payments are complete we will send across an electronic event pack, complete with all the necessary information for you to enjoy a great event.
Enquire Today and we will send you a detailed quote based on your requirements.
- Send us an enquiry with the date and times that you would like us to host your Foot Golf event.
- We will email you a link to your online event page where you can pay either your £25 or £50 non-refundable deposit to confirm your event.
- Final group numbers and balance are due two weeks before your event.
- Once your balance has been paid we will email you with an electronic event pack containing all the details of your booking.